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Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )
41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )
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Ignacio Darnaude Rojas-Marcos
Cabeza del Rey Don Pedro , 9 ( 2º B )
41004 - Sevilla ( Spain )
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Dear Sirs ,

Please first realize this unexpectod request is not a
routine petition at all , but an old unresolved soul problem
to the writer , a graduated in Economics and by the way
enamoured of Mathematics , his second lifelong love affair.
( He is , too , fallen in love with some imaginable sort of
solution to the handsome exponential equation “A
elevated to x + B elevated to x = C ” ).

I am extremely interested in finding finally , after many
years of fruitless search , the rather arcane answer to my
personal “Fermat Last Theorem” , I think an easy task
for Euler or Galois : the mysterious integral (
its unknown primitive function ) which reads as follows :

"Indefinite integral of X elevated to x
by differential x" : S Xx dx

In other words I am looking for some elusive primitive
algebraical function that , derived , result into a
beautifully complex and elegant potential-exponential
expression : X elevated to x.

Be sure this remote friend Ignacio would be delighted if you
wisely make the Sevillian happy by means of forwarding him
his keenly wanted explanation of this damned integral , send
him the address of possible academic sources of information
( the most prestigious worldwide university departments
especialized in Math , and in particular the address of
Mr. Robert H.Risch ) , or specific bibliography dealing with
the above mentioned “Integral of X elevetad to x
differential x”.

[ In respect to this not yet discovered integral S
Xx dx , I refer to the paper by Robert H.Risch "The
problem of integration in finite terms" ( Transactions
of the American Mathematical Society , Vol. 139 , (
1969 ) , pages 167-189 ) ].

I remain mathematically and of course humanly grateful to
you for such an integral informative favour.

With my warmest regards

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